How to Choose a Niche in Photography

Have you ever had to choose between all of the things you’re really good at? 

Can you pick just one? 

Are you good at them all equally or are you better at some things but only slightly?

I’ve been having such a hard time niching down. I know all the coaches and everyone say to just choose a niche and go with it… but every time I do that I feel like boxing myself in… like so many of you, I’m good at being a photographer of a lot of situations. Choosing one seems almost crippling to me… in fact it is. My biz coach probably wants to get rid of me because I just can’t trust the decision to niche into Fitness Photography. 

Why can’t I choose?

As I’m here working out, I also like to do yoga and meditate after I lift heavy weights… seems like it’s all very similar because it’s for my health? Well to me, the one doing the working out (or in my career case, taking photos) it’s all VERY different. Lifting weights is much different than the fluid movement of yoga and the stillness of meditation. How can you lump all of them together into one niche? You cannot. Just like, taking photos at weddings is very different than documenting a new infant or chasing around 2-5 year olds in a family photo session is much different than shooting still products in my studio or in this case, fitness leaders in their gyms!

So let’s break it down… What does Fitness entail? 

4 types include: endurance, strength, balance and flexibility… but you can also add in cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, agility etc…

Circling back to the Niche question… Who does “Fitness” photography pertain to specifically? 

Fitness photography is capturing humans in athletic movements and other fitness activities related to an individual's health, well-being, and performance. 

More importantly, fitness images can also serve as inspiration for people who are trying to find motivation for a healthier lifestyle. BINGO!!!!

There’s my why! (it’s all about the why!)

For decades I’ve had a strong inner knowing that health is the #1 most important thing in my life. Because without good health we cannot care for our families or friends, we cannot enjoy this beautiful life to its maximum capacity. As soon as we were shut down and quarantined together in 2020, and after I got the original & worst strain of covid, that’s when I started taking working out wicked seriously. I knew I needed to strengthen myself daily and I have ever since. You have probably seen my stories on instagram and heard my shpeels on moving the body, because it’s just so important to keep it in the front of your mind. 

In an ever growing world of over processed food, over sugared food & over stagnant bodies it’s so important to shine light on these outstanding individuals, these health and fitness leaders,  who dedicate their lives to helping others be the most vibrant versions of themselves they can be. I want to shine the biggest, shiniest, most beautiful sparkling light on their expertise, their why, where does their passion for fitness come from? Because as we know, PASSION is what fuels us!

Until next time, go lift something heavy ;) and stay tunes for more!




Well isn’t this something… here I am, after 10+ long years of being a stay at home/ work from home mom, all 3 of my kids are now full time Elementary school students! I am now 40 and I never thought this day would come. I seriously didn’t. 

This morning… I packed the kids' lunches and backpacks and sent them all onto that big yellow cheese at 8:40am and guess what… I teared up for about 3 steps back to the house… and then ran errands without having to fight anyone about it… because I am by myself! 

Free as a bird… I can leave, and no one would know! or care… 

I can walk the dog without announcing to everyone when I'll be back!

And what’s more? Here I am, FINALLY writing this blog, something I’ve always wanted to keep up with, but just could not… I’d write… and what I was writing would be enough to take anyone in a good mood to a grumpy one! I think it was my therapy but not a way to build a business, haha. 

Opening this new chapter in my life I decided to hire a business/ life coach to help support me and get me back on track. I know I could do it alone, eventually, but I am so sick of doing everything alone. I had minimal support with the kids and I've learned that it totally sucks doing everything alone… I want and need the support of a coach and other women who are trying to crush it! So thanks to Meagan Fitzgerald and her 6 month Abundant Business program, I’ve set my sights on a new offering - Fitness Photography. 

As we were on our discovery call together she said “April, why don’t you marry your love for photography with your love for fitness?!” I said oh my lord, I can do that?! Haha. Banishing any self doubt, I have now set out to make this new offering a success. 

I’m trying not to get myself all overwhelmed with wanting/needing to work around the clock but when I get focused and excited on something, it takes me over. With a few extra hours to myself each day I’ll be here chiseling away at helping to empower other women with photography!

So be sure to check back in once in a while to catch up with the latest! 





Hi Mama's... 4 years ago I decided that I had a lot to talk about after becoming a mother and spending most of my days at home. I started a side blog on tumblr called "The Runnin Mama" ( that I sort of used as my creative writing outlet. I'm not a huge fan of tumblr so I stopped using it and all together and just stopped writing. 

Well that's not good... I know. 

Between all the chaos of life at home (which is the focus of my writing), running a photography biz and spending time on relationships with friends and family, there was no time to create a whole new entity to then have to promote socially etc. Oye... what a headache.

Ain't nobody got time fa dat!

So here it is, a space for me to write freely, to share my thoughts with you, my friend.