A Family Shoot at Adams Farm

Sienna & Elle

The Glow | A Maternity Shoot with the Young Family

This rockstar mama was getting ready to have her 4th baby and couldn’t have been any more calm cool and collected about it. Because of this Mom & Dads relaxed vibe, I was really able to have the kids connect with mama, by that I mean, we actually captured those genuine “I love you’s” and hugs that sometimes don’t come out on family photo shoots if mom is feeling stressed… it was giggles and splashes, and of course no true adventure goes without a few tears… overall we all had lots of fun!

What made this shoot so successful in my eyes was not only the perfect weather and sunset (that magic hour & buttery light)… but the way Mom and Dad set the mood… let’s have some fun, we aren’t going to be uptight and nervous and let the kids be kids!

A nurturing mama who has since had an all natural home birth with midwife team!

Family | The Spinello Family at Hale Reservation

This strong mama and I had been emailing back and forth for some time about this shoot. Her son had been in and out of Children’s Hospital getting surgery so we wanted to pick the perfect time to celebrate him turning 1. We found a mutual time that worked for us both and headed to Hale Reservation to explore. We climbed rocks and hiked trails to this beautiful beach where we splashed and played.

Birthdays are a great time to document your growing family!

Mini Sessions at Hale Reservation

Having a fall mini session is a great way for me to get to see all of my favorite families and meet new ones too! Mini sessions are a lot different than a full session, but a “quick n dirty” way to get that money shot for this years holiday card and, if planned well, used as gifts under the tree for those you love.

This year we had (luckily) the most gorgeous fall day in October… the leaves were at their peak and the weather was warmer. I am not lying when I say all of these kids did an amazing job in front of my camera… I was cooky enough to get some genuine smiles! 15 min is all it takes…

A Motherhood Session on Cape Cod

Motherhood is most often celebrated (from what I see) when a baby is born, when the mother is new, as it should be, for sure... But what about the moms and children who have grown up together over the last, say 8-10 years?! Those beautiful years of watching your babies grow into little characters of their own, those beautiful years are some of my favorite to document. There's so much less chaos, than I'm used to!

Going on family vacation with my sister and my nieces was a great time to whip out the old camera and have some fun! We were blessed to be on cape cod in July together and to have this beautiful mother daughter sunset session.

with love,


Throwing rocks at sunset

Here is one of my favorite memories from this past summer and sort of a moody (because I have been) portrait... out on the rocks up in Acadia National Park visiting with family + friends... I caught Ethan in a world of his own, throwing rocks at sunset.

Oh life, it's been flying by this summer, between our travels from Buffalo to Acadia to Vermont to Cape Cod... all the while being pregnant with baby #3, I'm pleasantly exhausted to say the least! Through most of my travels I of course brought my camera... sometimes I'd bring it along if I was feeling particularly brave, but most of the time it would stay back at the ranch... and then my "photographer guilt" kicks in... some women suffer from "mom guilt", I suffer from "photographer guilt" aka "why didn't I bring my camera with me!?!".

I feel like, along the way of becoming a mom of (almost) 3, trying to balance family life and photography life, something had to give. Of course, since photography isn't a living breathing thing I need to keep alive and make thrive, it has taken a backseat to these, very needy, early years of my babies childhoods. It's ok though, I knew it would happen, which is why being a photographer was always one of my career goals, because of the lifelong flexibility it offers.

I am taking this time to really play around with photography, lighting and various editing techniques... I've also been printing a TON of my work in hopes of really learning from what I'm doing instead of just shooting and shooting and shooting and not really improving. I've decided that I need to stop shooting so much and really focus on an individual image as art... learning more about the post processing phase to get the look I have in my mind for the final product. In the end, clients want artwork on their walls, am I right? So I need to figure out what looks best, alone and together in a series.

Stay tuned!


Holiday Mini's 2016 | Westwood Mini Sessions

It turns out that a lot of magic can come from 10 minutes! It was a dreamy lit, mid morning photography relay for me as my assistants Megan + Kristen greeted families with a smile when they arrived... oogling over the beautiful babies and adorable children.... excitement filled the air. I really really really enjoyed my first experience with Holiday Mini sessions and I think they all did too, here's what some had to say...

"I am quickly realizing that 10 min with a fabulous photographer is usually better than hours with another." ~B.W.
"Do people tell you often enough that you're so talented and gifted at what you do?! You're amazing. Thank you" ~A.W.
"There are no words for how much I adore these!!!  You are so amazing, April- thank you, thank you, THANK YOU.  And I'm so appreciative of the bonus shots- you spoiled us!  And I can't believe how quickly you got these wrapped up and sent to us.  You are such a pro, sister.  Looks like it's time for me to get cracking on the holiday cards." ~ E.G.
"Omg April! You are amazing!!! How did you capture such great photos in such short time? I LOVE these. Thank you so much! I'm definitely hanging one on the wall, I'm thinking the one in front of the blue door. You are so talented girl." ~K.P.
"Omg!!! I absolutely love!!! You are such an amazing incredible genius!!! Ahhhhh!!" ~K.C.
"10 minutes is what sold my Husband and I'm so glad, I absolutely adore these, thank you thank you thank you!!!!" ~K.H.

Thank you to my handy helpers Kristen and Meghan! 

South End Family Photography | The Cook Family

Walking around the South End of Boston with the Cook Family was so much fun (as you can see). We enjoyed an evening stroll to Grahams favorite park right down the road. 

welcome home teddy

To me, the best part about being a professional photographer, is being able to freeze a second in time of a sweet stretch or a little yawn and turn it into a photograph that will be cherished for a lifetime. Making a piece of artwork that is so... emotionally charged and the ability to take any parent back to that very moment in time... that is why I do what I do.

Here is baby Teddy... his long awaited arrival happened on May 6th and we couldn't be more excited for the Vozzella Family. He's tiny and sweet and a spitting image of his older bro, Owen. 

I am so looking forward to documenting their friendship as they grow up together! We love you, Teddy!

welcome home Caroline | Weston newborn photography | boston newborn photography

Spring is in the air and the sweet aroma of flowers and new little bitty babies fill the air...

Creating this post to share is pretty bitter sweet for me... on one hand I love the Cavanagh Fam so seeing Alyss and Chris is always fun and I couldn't be happier for them and the life they've created for themselves... but on the other hand, I cannot believe how fast babies grow up. Little baby Catherine is now 2 years old!!! Say what?!

When did that happen?! After living these very moments in my own life and then living them again, in a much broader sense, through lives of those who have me document them, it's mind blowing how fast it all happens. As a child yourself I'm sure the time went very slow, for me it did. But as the years go on, the time seems to fly... and these moments pass so so so quickly.

I was so honored to be called back to the Cavanagh's to document baby Caroline's "welcome home".  She was so teeny tiny and angelic. Catherine was a total ham and I loved playing with her, she's such a good girl. I look forward to watching them grow!

Kiss + cuddle your little ones extra long tonight ;)



Happy Half Birthday, Grayson! | Boston Baby Photography

You may remember this beautiful family from my post here about welcoming baby Grayson into the world! Grayson is one of my very first milestone babies and this is ALWAYS so exciting for me to see such growth in such a quick period of time... it's really remarkable to me. The first year goes by so fast, it's unbelievable, and the mental and physical changes seem to happen almost overnight. Babies have, and always will, fascinate me. 

I digress...

The Mangano Family is celebrating Grayson's half birthday. I loved catching up with Amy & Mark and as always we swapped stories and shared a laugh about parenting! it's a trip. I'm so looking forward to Grayson's 1 year shoot.

Stay tuned for more!

The Sharry Family | Boston Family Photography | Boston Public Gardens

It was a beautiful morning in the Boston Public Gardens to photograph such a loving and happy family. John, Allie & baby Eleanor laughed and played their way through the gardens and right onto the duck boats, what fun! Here is this gorgeous little girl at 8 months...

The Breer Family | Boston Public Garden

It was one of those hot summer days where the rain kinda falls, but not really... it was cloudy, overcast, warm and drizzly... which made for the perfect lighting. The old me would have called a rain day but my muse said, "no just go and shoot up until it's absolutely down pouring, see what happens!" So I did... and boy am I ever glad! The thick cloud cover made for an absolutely stunning light situation. The sky was a giant softbox, baby Stephen was in a great mood, mom and dad were chill & relaxed and magic was made. 

Engagement - On my old blog - not yet uploaded to my new blog

Wedding - http://www.aprilkphotography.com/blog/emily-berts-wedding-at-the-boston-public-library

Newborn - http://www.aprilkphotography.com/blog/welcome-stephen-boston-south-end-newborn-photography

The Holbrook Family

I met up with the Holbrook Family over the weekend and I cannot believe Sawyer is 8 months! At the beginning of my "season" he was born and I had the privilege of taking his newborn photos. I love documenting families in the first year... all the newness, excitement and challenges that come along with the job of being a parent. I couldn't understand new moms {and dads} more than I do right now. I had such a great time catching up with Elina and Adam and can't wait to plan his one year photos!

Peace, Love & Fuzzy Hats,

April K





Family Fun

She wakes up at 5:30 am Monday-Friday, gets ready for work, wakes up the kids, get's them ready for school/day care, drops them off at school/daycare, goes to work managing the Speech Pathology department at Buffalo Hearing and Speech Center,  picks the kids up from school/daycare, takes them to gymnastics, soccer and swimming, cooks them dinner, helps with homework, plays with them, gives them a tubby, puts them to bed, makes lunches for tomorrow, finishes up work she didn't get done in the office...and finally unwinds with her man. Those are just  a few jobs of any given mom, and in this case, my sister Kristy the super-mom. Watching her in action usually leaves me puzzled, how did you get all that done and how do you still have energy?! {Don't ask me}

Anyway, she wanted to do a family photo shoot here are a few of the photos we created while they were in Boston to visit.

Peace, Love & #beingamomispuremaddness,

April K