Welcome Home Baby Lorentz

Welcome Home Ronin

Another session with my friends… this time, Thanh and Will who live just outside of Boston. Much to their surprise baby Ronin arrived 4 weeks early. He was sweet and quite a treat to photograph as he never woke once… but did give me that “I see you” smile as he tried to fight his heavy eyelids. Haha… even at the very newest stages of life a little personality shines through! I can’t wait to watch this boy grow.

welcome home jack

Welcoming home baby Jack Montone...

As I made my way to the Montone house, I drove slowly past each beautiful brownstone and was just relishing in the beauty within Brookline. 

Hanging out with this sweet and beautiful little boy was magic. He's surely in good hands with his parents. 

welcome home teddy

To me, the best part about being a professional photographer, is being able to freeze a second in time of a sweet stretch or a little yawn and turn it into a photograph that will be cherished for a lifetime. Making a piece of artwork that is so... emotionally charged and the ability to take any parent back to that very moment in time... that is why I do what I do.

Here is baby Teddy... his long awaited arrival happened on May 6th and we couldn't be more excited for the Vozzella Family. He's tiny and sweet and a spitting image of his older bro, Owen. 

I am so looking forward to documenting their friendship as they grow up together! We love you, Teddy!

Welcome Baby Nicholas | Natick Newborn Photography | Boston Newborn Photography

This is one of those posts where I'm sitting here thinking... where do I even begin?!

Lisa and Matt have been good friends right from the start of moving to Boston (in March 2010). Over the years we've celebrated some pretty awesome life events together and this is one of them...

Nicholas Matthew Riesz! Welcome to the world little guy, I assure you, you're in very good hands. I am looking forward to watching you grow into the cutest little angel. 

Source: http://www.aprilkphotography.com/

Newborn | Welcome Baby Grayson

When I first laid eyes on Grayson I was in love. His full luscious head of blonde hair was just the tip of the ice burg. He was the perfect little model, (he obviously picked up some tips from mom and dad!) and stayed sleeping for most of our time together... perfect!

Amy and Mark, I wish you all the best and I'm sure little Grayson will remain a complete angel!

Hanging Around {my life}

Some of my favorites from Ethan's first month. He finished the month weighing in at 12 lbs and 22 inches... eating like a champion, sleeping like a baby {literally... hit or miss if we get any sleep around here} and blowing out diapers like, woah! Already in size 2 diapers and 6-12 month clothes. This lil whopper is a cuddly one with a sweet personality... he also often resembles an old man, sometimes. hehehe

A special welcome to my baby boy, Ethan


I know I know, I have been MIA for the last 3 weeks or as my gal pal told me “you went dark”

… well, honestly, I haven’t had time (or have really cared to make it a priority) to blog because girlfriend... I’ve been covered in blood, sweat, tears and milk… have been knee deep in poopy diapers all day and quite frankly, why would I want to do "work" when I have this perfect little angel in my arms? I call the first 3 months of having a baby, Survival Mode. You do what you can when you can and do whatever works! With this being my second, it puts a whole new meaning to survival mode!

For my favorite mama's out there, this ones for you! 

The second time around for me has been so much different in so many ways. Most importantly I know how fast this first year is going to go by, which is awesome on one hand and also really scary! The first year is the hardest, I’d say… but it’s also the time when they grow the fastest and change so much so I’m really trying to take it in this time. In addition, I have Sienna now competing for my attention. And when I do have a few moments when they're sleeping, that's when Justin is home and I’m not one to let my marriage take a back seat… so my time is pretty much spent!

But It’s been wonderful. and scary. and hectic. and emotional (oh the random tears)… I’ve gotten a lot of flack for not announcing Ethan’s birth on social media and my response is… sorry, I’m not sorry! Facebook & Instagram, I’m not your bitch! haha.

So what’s up? Well… let me just start by reassuring all of you mama’s out there that the rumor is true… the second child comes SO MUCH FASTER than the first. Holy cats! Sienna took me from start to finish about 18 hours… so I said to myself… what is fast? 10 hours? 8 hours? no… My contractions this time around started at 9:30pm and Ethan was born at 12:18am… less than 3 hours from start to finish! BOOM "you're now a mother of 2"

... say what?!

After it was all said and done I was laying on the delivery room table (very happy) saying to myself “what in the hell just happened?” hahaha

As I stared down at this BEAUTIFUL little creature I was in love. Ethan Justin Obey was born on Friday the 13th at 12:18 am. He is a big boy, weighing in at 9.8 lbs and 22 inches long! He came just before yet another blizzard hit Boston.

Now, at 3 weeks old, as I write this he is 11lbs 11oz and busting out of clothes for a 3 month old baby! (Onto 6 month clothes already?) So you can just imagine how much he's been eating!

Naturally as a newborn photographer I bought all sorts of really cute hats and other newborn goodies I anticipated using on Ethan… Unfortunately I didn’t know I was giving birth to a giant and he does not fit into anything I bought. In fact, he was almost too long to even fit on my posing beanbag!  His pediatrician took one look at him and said (in his adorable South African accent) "woah, this fella is a Moose!"

Like I stated in my goals, I had high hopes of having several newborn shoots but the reality of my life is that I barely had time for 1. It's said you should get newborn photos in the first 14 days but as the mother and the photographer, I did not have the energy to muster up to take photos until the 14th day. So Here are a few of Ethan on his 14th day (though when you hold him it seems like it's his 3rd month) that I did have time to snag during Sienna’s (very quick) nap time!

P.S. to my loyal mama followers, I resurrected my old THE RUNNIN MAMA blog to keep you posted on how it's going... because I know as a mama it's nice to know what others are going through while you are too! xoxo 

baby Ike

The sweetness of a newborn, there is nothing like it. Soft, sweet & sleepy... baby Ike nailed his first photoshoot!

Welcome Stephen! | Boston, South End Newborn Photography

When I get to see a couple go from being engaged, to married, to having their first child... it's really special and what makes me love what I do. When I get asked again and again to capture all of these wonderfully blissful moments in the lives of such beautifully in love and happy people... it's what makes my {the} world go round. 

I couldn't be happier for you, Emily + Bert! xoxoxo

Welcome Sullivan | Boston Newborn Photography

Sullivan was one tired lil bear, which always makes for the perfect newborn model. Here are a few of my favorites from his newborn session.

Welcome Charlie | Boston Newborn Photography

The McKenna's are a very blessed match made in heaven. They met while she was living in Scotland {his home} fell in love and the rest is... well... happening right now!

Welcome to the world, Charlie!

Peace, Love & That sweet baby smell,

April K

Welcome Brady | Newborn Portrait Photography