Family Fun

She wakes up at 5:30 am Monday-Friday, gets ready for work, wakes up the kids, get's them ready for school/day care, drops them off at school/daycare, goes to work managing the Speech Pathology department at Buffalo Hearing and Speech Center,  picks the kids up from school/daycare, takes them to gymnastics, soccer and swimming, cooks them dinner, helps with homework, plays with them, gives them a tubby, puts them to bed, makes lunches for tomorrow, finishes up work she didn't get done in the office...and finally unwinds with her man. Those are just  a few jobs of any given mom, and in this case, my sister Kristy the super-mom. Watching her in action usually leaves me puzzled, how did you get all that done and how do you still have energy?! {Don't ask me}

Anyway, she wanted to do a family photo shoot here are a few of the photos we created while they were in Boston to visit.

Peace, Love & #beingamomispuremaddness,

April K