I Believe...

in Simplicity… plain and simple, that's how I like to keep things. I guess some would call that a minimalist, I just call it "I hate feeling cluttered". From my closet to my living space to the art I create, I live by KISS {Keep It Simple, Stupid}.

in the Inspiration of Nature. I'm an outdoorsy type of girl who loves to play in the dirt. I love being in/around mountains, they make me feel like a spec of dust and in turn make my little "problems" feel like a blip on the map. I love hiking up mountains in the summer and I love speeding down mountains on my board in the winter. I love water too, frozen or not, I love it all year round.

that LOVE makes the world go round. Yup, as cliche as that saying is, it's true! I believe in love…100%. Above money, your career, your fancy car…the relationships you share are the most important thing in your life. Life is all about the love you share.

it's important to be yourself, 100% of the time. If it's one thing I heard day in and day out while I was growing up from my father "if they don't like me it's their problem". Ha! My dad is one of a kind, but that saying still rings in my head and I wish more people learned this at a young age. I don't want a friend who is a carbon copy of what they were told is the perfect way to be. I want you, in all your quirkiness. Acting how you want, wearing what you want {even if you look like Punky Brewster}, speaking what you believe, and being comfortable to just be yourself. Be your own kind of beautiful...