{March Madness with April K}

I’m pretty sure I painted a new picture for the term “March Madness”, literally!  Before Justin and I moved into our chic new pad, we had a few things to spruce up. 18 rollers, 12 cans of paint, 5 colors (including 1 gallon of Electric Blue for the office), and over 27 hours of straight painting later… it was finished!!! Our friends and family were generous enough to donate their time and elbow grease to help us out one rockin’ Saturday night at our “painting party”.  Here are some pics I snapped during the moving and painting process! …{aprilkphoto.com}

Packing up

And shipping out {I had to write love letters on the boxes since Justin was nice enough to move me out while I was out of town!}

Can't forget to pack these...

Taking a quick drive out to the new diggs...

And the painting party has begun, but not before we finish up our Chinese feast!

Brian, Kristen & Kate lathered up that back room in "Popcorn" paint, those walls never saw it comin!

Jake's precision, tact and strategery left the bathroom trim *sparkling* white

And our very own Trixie Tay painting away the awful Salmon color in the living room.