Juno the snowman

This past week we New Englanders got to enjoy the calm, fresh + relaxing winter treat called "snow days". All cozied up at home together with a fire burning and hot cocoa in hand. I have always been a long time fan of snowstorms... to me they're so romantic. 

It's always so much fun to take Sienna out into the snow to build a snowman... since she's a huge fan of Olaf and Frosty... she always talks to the snowman after we put the hat on him, she truly believes he's going to come to life... it's priceless. 

on turning 31... and finally learning to "stop and smell the roses"

Have you ever just sat and thought to yourself... wow, this is my life. Actually, I just stopped to reflect what is happening {"stop and smell the roses", as my mom always tells me}... I've been doing that a lot lately, probably because I just celebrated my 31st birthday. I feel like the past 5 years have served to give me everything I'd ever hoped for in my life... and I kinda can't believe it. 

My advice {to you... and myself} after turning 31:

LIFE: ...this is a time in life where I'm starting to really appreciate the little things and realizing they are what make up this big picture we call "life". It all started with getting a dream job with one of my besties which has lead me on this crazy journey the past 5 years has given me. From moving to Boston and meeting my one true love, to the tight tight hugs from a tiny body that only a mother knows {who knew?!} my life has been flipped turned upside down {as the fresh prince would say} and moving so quickly... I've grown to understand that life is actually comprised 80% with 'the little things'... and then there are a few (20%) game changers sprinkled in... and that is what has really shaped my life thus far. Take the time... to listen, to talk, to help others... slow down and take time to stop and smell the roses.  

LOVE: everyone asks as soon as you get married "has anything changed?"... well not immediately, but with every revolution comes the slow adjustment period... where you adjust into an even stronger bond than you had before. You grow into each other and with each other... mostly because that's the person you love to be around the most. If you decide to become a parent, well, god bless ya & know that this will (seemingly) strengthen any healthy relationship... You will have a new found respect for one another that you never knew could exist...

TIME: time is more valuable than money... something I always sorta knew but is constantly being reinforced. Time with family and friends, time alone to reflect, time spent doing what you love or time spent growing (which is sometimes painful)... With the addition of a child in my life, I've learned that my time is more valuable now than ever before!

MOTHERHOOD: Listen. Nobodies the "perfect" mother... what does that mean anyway? Just do the best you can and listen to your own heart and not what people tell you. You know more than you think you do! Babies don't need all the toys in the store and every marketed product for "learning". What they need is love (& guidance) from mom and dad.

PHOTOGRAPHY: I started calling it "a job" and I am now refraining myself to have that mindset. I do photography because it's what I'm passionate about. I've realized that too much equipment will weigh you down, keep it manageable and be resourceful.  Most importantly, in the age of digital don't get carried away with too many images or photoshop! Get it right 'in camera' above all else and GET IT PRINTED!

SOCIAL LIFE: It kinda dies down after you have a little one... lets face it. That's ok though because it makes "going out" that much sweeter and you appreciate going out to eat so much more! It's important to stay off your phone when you're with your friends and family... just put it away, spend the time with the people who are in front of your face! catch up with people online/ social media when you're just sitting around "bored"... If you don't have time for it, so be it. Throw parties with your friends, actually book the plane ticket to fly & see a friend, that 20% of game changer gets juiced from doing something for yourself once in a while. My point is, take the time to strengthen relationships OUTSIDE of social media. And last but not least, IT IS OK TO TALK TO STRANGERS... at this point in your life I think you know people are (for the most part) nice to you when you're nice to them.

So hide your phone away right now and go call a friend or snuggle up with your love!



My Toxic Facebook

About 2 years ago, before Sienna was born, I decided to take facebook off of my phone. It was annoying and I was sick of being "that person" who, while standing around waiting in public, would turn to my phone for amusement. Those people have always gotten on my nerves, why not smile or strike up a convo with a real live person right in front of you? I felt it was almost ruining my creativity because I was no longer observing or looking around me... I simply had my face in my phone 24/7. I also did not want to be "that mom" who's baby was screaming as I said "hold on honey, i'll change your diaper after I update my facebook status". To me, a lot of things in my life needed to go back to the good old fashion way. 

So I removed facebook from my phone and that was that. I called it "the cell phone cleanse" I felt great. I no longer cared much about my phone and even lost it from time to time... i know, i'm such a daredevil. 

My next "i hate facebook" moment was a few months later when I would find myself, needing to get work done, but instead would find myself sitting at my desktop computer looking at other photographers work via facebook {you cheeky social media addict, you}. Boy did this send me into a downward spiral of depression!!! Talk about creativity killer! I immediately recognized what was happening and de-friended all the photographers I hadn't met in person. In addition, I blocked all of their status updates from showing up on my feed. If you are a photographer reading this, I highly recommend doing this. Nothing is more distracting than looking at others work! Focus on your own. 

Well about a month ago I re-lapsed into hating facebook and decided that I wanted to "get off facebook"  all together... {geesh, I sound like some sort of addict} so I did... I shut down my personal facebook page and felt... a sigh of relief. It actually felt like a medium size weight was off my shoulders. Well, that only lasted for about... 3-4 days. Something about it made me feel like I was missing out on the rest of the world. What a skewed perception, huh?

So after reading this very spot on article by David duChemin and watching this incredibly scary documentary called Terms & Conditions May Apply on Netflix, and coming across this amazing rant all in the same week... I realized that I need to follow my gutz and just go for it. {What better time did this come than after July 4th... the day that we honor our country and those who fought for our rights that we so take for granted, especially when it comes to privacy.}

So if you want to stay up to date on what's going on in the world of April K Photography or even a few personal stories from little old me, you can do so by visiting this blog on the regular! This is where I'll be hanging out ;)

Peace, Love & Freedom!


p.s. - mom, you were right.... again