jess + michelle | wedding on a sailboat in ogunquit, maine

Like all of the weddings I took on in 2014, I was extremely excited about this one because of it's intimacy and uniqueness. Jess + Michelle's nuptials were not only adventurously romantic, it was exactly what they wanted, together as a couple. 

In the midst of Jess + Michelle's wedding planning, something just felt off to them. They were feeling the strain and anxiety, you know that feeling you get when something's just not right... so they scrapped their plans and followed their hearts. 

The day #jessandmichellegethitched was one that I will never forget... I walked into the quiet room and there they were... just two gals chatting, laughing and hanging out. You know... getting ready for their Monday wedding! {haha, yes this took place on a fresh New England summer Monday} Michelle told me the craftsmanship behind her wedding gown which was made out of an actual Sail from a Sailboat by a friend who just graduated from fashion design school. And Jess told me the story of her confetti glitter kate spade heels that were bought to wear on her wedding day... before she was even engaged! Although this wasn't a big fancy "to do" wedding, it certainly did not lack  thoughtfulness and true meaning.  

We took a beautiful walk down to the 42 foot sailboat and it's crew, Captain Jack and Elliot. Silver Lining is her name... very appropriate after talking and hearing Captain Jack's story. We took a lovely and energetic two hour sail off the coast of Ogunquit, ME. We sailed off into the cloudy mist, changed direction of the sails a few times {not to mention I almost got taken out by "changing directions"}, had a magical 10 minute ceremony on the bow of the ship, celebrated merrily with a pizza pie and some brewski's and sailed back into the sunny coast.

There is no doubt that Jess and Michelle are going to enjoy the heck out of this crazy journey we call life, together.