Knightlee | welcome home

I love babies... I always have, ever since I was a baby! I carried baby dolls with me everywhere and when my first niece was born it was the most amazing experience, to become an Aunt. Being an Aunt has come to be one of my favorite titles because you have such a fierce love for this child that isn't even yours... but they're your siblings so you love them as if they're your own. There is an unwritten magical and special bond as an aunt... and I'm lucky to be one, now, 6 times over!

It is my greatest pleasure to help welcome my oh so cuddly, smells so newborn fresh and is the tiniest (but strong) lil baby ever born into my family... Knightlee Michael Krueger, welcome to the world and into our family! You're in good hands with your mommy + daddy.

Aba loves you!