absolute black & white | a personal project | 1/1

I have always loved black and white photography even more than color photography... yet I always opt for color while editing client photos... for some reason I have in my head that people don't like it as much as I do and they'd rather see color, since it's available. Is this true?

If you're a blog stalker then you'll know that my photography journey started in Tyler Hall at SUNY Oswego... (yup, I'm a state school kid, suckaaaas) I spent many hours and days in the dark room (not digital, I'm talking chemicals to the skin) and really learned what it took to make the perfect black and white photograph. Absolute black and absolute white... I had test strips coming out of my ears. I loved it, every stinking second. And yet, when digital took over my life, suddenly I had pushed my love for black and white photography to the side to perfect my color mojo. 

...12 years later...

I have started a new project I have called (simply to myself... and now whoever is reading this) "absolute b&w". It has been my dream to fill my home with beautiful photography (that I've taken)... and to me, black and white is so classic and timeless... so I am on the hunt for perfect blacks and whites in my personal photographs. 

Here is the first (of hopefully many) that I'll be sharing with you. My beautiful Sienna Gray, who rarely gives my Nikon a smile let alone the tiny yet sweet smile that usually only I see. This photo captures her so sweetly.

If you're a photographer and have any critiques, I welcome them with an open mind!
