Erin & Ryan | A Nature Inspired Engagement

Because I shoot mostly outdoors, the weather is something that toys with me a lot of the times. On the day of Erin and Ryan's engagement shoot it had been pouring out all morning. I'm so glad we stuck to our guns and didn't re-schedule because the rain let up and the dewy ground mixed with sunshine made for a fantastic backdrop for this nature inspired engagement shoot. How could an engagement shoot not be fun with two athletes like Erin and Ryan? They whipped out their tandem bike and did laps up and down the road, paddled in a canoe, splashed around in the pond, climbed a boulder and ran through the woods. And this all happened within an hour! Talk about gettin' it done.

Erin and Ryan are one of those couples that you KNOW are just made for each other. They melt into one another so seamlessly and of course are always on an adventure. I cannot wait to shoot their wedding next summer!

Peace, Love and A Bicycle Built for 2,

April K



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