Erin & Ryan | A Nature Inspired Engagement

Because I shoot mostly outdoors, the weather is something that toys with me a lot of the times. On the day of Erin and Ryan's engagement shoot it had been pouring out all morning. I'm so glad we stuck to our guns and didn't re-schedule because the rain let up and the dewy ground mixed with sunshine made for a fantastic backdrop for this nature inspired engagement shoot. How could an engagement shoot not be fun with two athletes like Erin and Ryan? They whipped out their tandem bike and did laps up and down the road, paddled in a canoe, splashed around in the pond, climbed a boulder and ran through the woods. And this all happened within an hour! Talk about gettin' it done.

Erin and Ryan are one of those couples that you KNOW are just made for each other. They melt into one another so seamlessly and of course are always on an adventure. I cannot wait to shoot their wedding next summer!

Peace, Love and A Bicycle Built for 2,

April K



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Becky + Mark | An Engagement on Castle Island, Boston

What is my dream as a photographer? Besides my long list of goals... most importantly for me, is for my subjects to be comfortable to be themselves in front of me. Just to be together, not caring what I'm doing or thinking or what bench/wall/any object I'm climbing to get the perfect shot. My dream is to have each and every one of my clients to simply... act as if I'm not there! The goal for me is to capture each couple as they are, naturally, in real life... {just looking extra insanely good doing it!}. Well Becky and Mark certainly had no troubles doing just that. These two are so much fun and completely and clearly adore each other. It was one of those shoots that I walked away feeling all toasty and tingly inside. Needless to say, I cannot wait to capture their wedding day! It's going to be off the hook.

Peace, Love & Belly Laughs,

April K


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Alyssa + Nick | A Fenway Park Engagement

Alyssa and Nick had a very adventurous engagement shoot around Fenway Park recently. We not only got to take a tour of the park, we had the chance to take some amazing pictures in places that "normal folk" usually wouldn't be able to go. We clearly had a great time and I'm totally looking forward to seeing Alyssa and Nick on their wedding day, soon enough! Peace, Love & Red Sox,

April K



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Stephanie + Braemar | Engagement in Brookline, MA

I really enjoyed spending the afternoon with Stephanie and Braemar during their Brookline engagement shoot. Engagement shoots are such a great way for the bride and groom to get comfortable in front of my camera and with me in general. As usual, it took us no time at all to warm up to one another. I love learning about how my couples meet and how they fell in love. Stephanie and Brae met in a class they shared in College, shortly after they went on a date {Sushi, yum!} and they couldn't keep their hands off each other ever since. It really amazes me that two people can have such a strong bond so instantaneously and be so connected even though they haven't known each other {at that point} for very long.

Call it luck or call it fate, do you ever wonder "what if" I hadn't taken that class? Or what if I hadn't chosen that particular seat... would we still be together, would our love have found another route to take? {or am I the only one who has these thoughts?!}

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Stephanie + Brian | Engagement in Salem, MA

Stephanie and Brian are such sweethearts, truly. As you probably know by now, I love the story of how each marriage is created; how did he catch your eye, how did she change your swagger.  Maybe you'd call that a "love invention"?! {haha}.  So their love invention started in Salem, since that is where Brian lived at the time. They would spend a lot of time getting to know each other by going to different restaurants, bars and just hanging at his place. If you've ever been to Salem, MA you know what a cute town it is, right on the water, the perfect backdrop for making some art. We had so much fun, I received an email from Stephanie the next day saying "can we do that again?!"

The love between Stephanie and Brian is so evident and I'm so thrilled they hired me to be with them on their big day. Not only is it going to be so much fun, but when the love between two people is that powerful it makes the day so heavenly.

Peace, Love & Inventions of Love,

April K


We started our tour of the town at Rockefellas, where Stephanie + Brian would frequent {for good reason, this place rocks}

I love the way she looks at him...

…that is the best "thank god I found you" picture, ugh, love.

Hazel eyes, can't get enough

So Brian, being the history buff that he is, took us on a little tour and dropped some serious knowledge. This gate and lighting + the historical facts… it was just awesome.

While we were walking around town, we came across this shed… that we couldn't resist

And a little secret corridor we found walking back


Marisa + James | Engagement at The Crane Estate in Ipswich, MA

When Marisa first called me about being the photographer on her wedding day I asked her a ton of questions like I do with all of my brides, "tell me everything"… As she went on to tell me some of the details I was quickly struck by her laid back, yet spunky attitude rather than the wedding itself {hey, I'm just being honest}. I love when this happens. I remember specifically writing in her file "book this girl, seems fun". haha, yes, I did that. Since Marisa wanted a beach engagement shoot we decided on the Crane Estate in Ipswich, MA. We had such a great time and as always, James {her man} was a great sport about it. See, usually guys aren't down with engagement pictures, but I always seem to find a way to get the men to have fun! Love is Art and Art is Fun {it's true}!  We started at the beach and then drove around the estate. We were driving awfully fast from location to location in order to beat the rain.  As soon as we wrapped up the session, the skies opened up and it poured for the rest of the evening. I think that's a good omen for their wedding day!

Peace, Love & Art,

April K

Beach engagement shoots typically are windy… I love the wind blow hair look {I really do!}

I love the emotion...

Just a guy who loves his girl

I love this montage of beach-ness, so fresh!

I'm a sucker for romance and I love this picture, so much!

We drove over to the Crane Estate and when I saw this beautiful area of course I got all excited!

So we were looking at these finely manicured greens… Me: "how do you feel about taking your shoes off and running up that hill?" Marisa: "I'll do anything" hahaha, so much fun!

and though I love a good time, I also love these quiet moments



Tammy + Tommy | Wedding at the Cracker Factory

Tammy + Tommy's nuptials were exchanged at the Cracker Factory in Geneva, NY. What a beautiful and heart felt ceremony. Not only could you tell that there was so much thought and care put into her big day, you could feel it radiating throughout the room. Seriously… I was shedding a few tears behind the lens as she was walking down the aisle and especially when Tammy & Tommy were exchanging their vows. I've been asked various times, what I think is the BEST way to personalize your wedding day? Hands down…writing your own vows. Taking the time, thought and energy to express the way you feel today and how you promise to take care of each other, no matter what, forever and ever,  is something only you can say. Vows are something that should be the #1 thing you think about when you're planning out your details.

As I was going through these teeny tiny moments in time, I have to say that I got choked up all over again. The ceremony is, without a doubt, the most important part of the day. Watching Tammy and Tommy exchanging vows, watching Tammy get choked up over and over and over again… it's why I love my job. Being able to give them something that no one else can. The gift of that single moment in time, when the vibrant love they share illuminated the room.

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Fun times in the photo booth!!!

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Peace, Love & Tears of Joy,

April K

"It was then, I knew for sure he had to be my best date for the rest of my life!"

Lianne & Jeff are 2 peas in a pod. They compliment each other so well and yes I could tell this by only spending a short time with them while I shot their e|Story {AKA an engagement shoot that tells a love story}. Here is the love story of Jeff & Lianne, narrated by Lianne.

I would say Jeff and I are an example of love at first sight.  It may not be your typical fairy tale...but it looks like we are headed for a happy ending!


Jeff and I grew up in the same town and attended the same high school, but it wasn't until after I graduated high school that we met. One Thursday night a group decided to head to a local karaoke bar and it just so happens Jeff and I ended up sitting at the same table with some mutual friends.

The first night we met we spend the entire night talking and when it was time to leave he asked if he could walk me to my car.  As he closed my door I turned to my friend and told her that I had to go back the following week to see him...and I did.

Just six months later Jeff flew down to North Carolina for a wedding I was in.  He didn't know anyone except the bride and myself, but Jeff made the best of it, made new friends, danced, drank and made me feel like I had the best date.

It was then, I knew for sure he had to be my best date for the rest of my life!