The Sharry Family | Boston Family Photography | Boston Public Gardens

It was a beautiful morning in the Boston Public Gardens to photograph such a loving and happy family. John, Allie & baby Eleanor laughed and played their way through the gardens and right onto the duck boats, what fun! Here is this gorgeous little girl at 8 months...

Welcome Finley | Boston Newborn Photographer

A beautiful family, through and through, I am looking forward to watching this little girl grow!

Welcome Grayson | Boston Newborn Photography

When a boy from California and a girl from Upstate NY met, they knew it was love... and like all true love, it just grows and grows and grows. Ryan & Jenn recently welcomed the newest member of their family, Grayson Ryan. So sweet and sleepy, we had a great time during his very first photo shoot.

Peace, Love &  A Sleeping Dove,

April K


The Holbrook Family

I met up with the Holbrook Family over the weekend and I cannot believe Sawyer is 8 months! At the beginning of my "season" he was born and I had the privilege of taking his newborn photos. I love documenting families in the first year... all the newness, excitement and challenges that come along with the job of being a parent. I couldn't understand new moms {and dads} more than I do right now. I had such a great time catching up with Elina and Adam and can't wait to plan his one year photos!

Peace, Love & Fuzzy Hats,

April K





The Handmade Nursery

I know I've been going on a lot of rants about my personal life lately, so I appologize if you're sick of me by now. Don't worry, we have some awesome shoots coming up real soon… but in the meantime I'm going to share the other half of my office space, Sienna's nursery. I'm very proud of this nursery, hence why I feel the need to share it. I dreamt of a space that's dazzling with color and bursting with creativity for our little girl to grow in. Who better to fill the space with love but our very own friends and family!? They say it takes a village to raise a child, and "they" are absolutley right! In the midst of Sienna's daily development I want to teach her to have a very LARGE imagination. I feel that creativity and imagination are vital in raising a child who possesses great character, so here's to trying!

As a gift from our gal pal, Gaby, we received 5 commissioned artworks from Sienna's cousins who range in age 8 to 2. The young artists were given the task {before Sienna's world debut} to draw what they think Sienna will look like. These are truly gems and so much fun to look at. Sienna's Crayola Portraits were placed in bright and bold frames which really set the tone for the vibe we were going for.

Our friend Kate, who is not only a very talented snowboarder, but also a skilled water color artist, painted the most beautifully vibrant and colorful peacock. She can shake that paint brush like it's no bodies business! I would someday like to transfer that beauty onto a snowboard for Sienna! How awesome would that be.

Our girl Lauren who is a crafty little crafter sent us the letters that live above the crib. Spelling out SIENNA in an artsy yet fashionable way, we love these colorful pieces. My long time friend, Megan {who the heck knew she even had this skill? Not me!} made the pink elephant who watches over the room. And our friends Lisa & Thahn commissioned Lisa's sister, Kristen {who is an awesome illustrator} the painting of bunnies in a hot air balloon floating through the fresh mtn air.

We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such creativity and love all day long.

Peace, Love & The Handmade Nursery,

April K

Nursery Artists:

Peacock watercolor by Kate Wynkoop Knit Elephant by Megan Bochette Sienna letters by Lauren Badger Bunnys in Balloon Painting by Kristen Cavallo - Drawings Of Sienna by: Kyleigh, Cohen, Addison, Lily & Quinn {My nieces & nephews}