Boston Seaport Engagement | Al & Sarin

As a photographer of love, my main goal is to capture the spirit of a couple and the love they that they share. With Al & Sarin this was no challenge at all, they are such warm hearted people {clearly}. They are light spirited and within one conversation with them I could tell they enjoy life as much as each other (note: yes they are actually rolling around in the grass in their fancy clothes = LOVE!).

{Passionate. Happy. Fun. Classy. Chill.} These are the immediate words that come to mind when I think of Al & Sarin.

I always make sure my clients are happy and having fun when I'm documenting their moments together, but this time was different... I didn't need to entertain or loosen them up. I asked them before hand to pretend they are on a date and to ignore me as much as they could! Clearly this was no problem for them and I captured some truly beautiful moments.

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