Welcome Catherine! | Beacon Hill Newborn Photography

With the snow falling softly I raced around the empty snow covered streets of Boston. The air was quiet.  As I pulled up to their very picturesque piece of Beacon Hill, I stepped out of the car to meet a beautiful old woman shoveling, we exchanged smiles and our amazement on how magical it was outside. Alyss and Christopher welcomed me into their home with warm hugs and little baby Catherine in his arms. I love the energy of brand new parents, it's so contagious for me... the soft and gentle voices just exuberating with so much amazement and happiness mixed with just a dash of happy exhaustion. Alyss told me a few stories about her labor, which she did with no epidural {god bless her!} and Christopher proudly added in how well she did and how amazing she was. Having a new baby is absolutely life changing, but it also really makes you realize how much you love the one you're with.

Catherine is a very lucky little lady to have such great parents and is one cutie pie with a great head of hair!

Peace, Love & A Snow Angel,

April K

Rae + Justin | A Backyard Wedding in Waukesha

Oh where do I begin with this one...  she has been by my side since I was 4 years old, my partner in crime, my soul sister, the girl I grew up with who will always be just as close to me as any member of my immediate family. When she called to tell me she got engaged I was so over joyed. This is one girl who deserves to meet the man of her dreams and she found him. His gentle soul and her fierce heart are a match made to live a {high voltage} beautiful life. She isn't much for being the center of attention so when she told me she was having a pig roast back yard wedding I thought, that sounds great! It was the perfect day for them, the forecast called for rain all day but it only rained for a half hour. It was a quiet half hour where we sat on the porch, quietly, listening to the rain hit the creek water. She stuck her hand out, made a wish and shortly there after the rain stopped... the guests arrived and their families together with a pile of dry towels wiped the tables down under the tent. The table cloths were wrinkled and wet... a feast for any bridezilla to dive into... but she never would. For her it wasn't about the fancy venue with the latest and greatest DJ, uplighting and the whole 9 yards. For her it was about bringing two families together in a space that she loves, his Aunts house, eating food she loves {corn on the cob, pulled pork, pasta salad} and celebrating their love!

I had so much fun this entire weekend, it was my first weekend away from Sienna! I was so happy to be behind the camera on this one because I couldn't imagine anyone else capturing these two the way I can. After din din we headed out on the town to take a few portraits and then ended our session at the lake where we splashed and played in the water. It was incredible... I'm now convinced that only Wilson brides will jump in the water on their wedding day.

Rae & Justin I love you both dearly and can't wait to see you grow old together :)

Peace, Love & Wet Kisses,

April K



Becky + Mark | A Wedding at Southers Marsh Golf Club

I'm convinced that wherever Becky and Mark go, the sun is always shining. When I first met Becky and Mark last year in Southie for their engagement shoot, the sun was shining and so were they. Newly engaged and vibrant with joy, we walked around for hours while they told me stories of how they fell in love. Fast forward to their wedding day, when forecasts called for rain, rain and more rain... there wasn't a cloud in the sky! Of course there wasn't, It was Becky and Mark's wedding day... the perfect New England Autumn day. I showed up a the cutest little cottage in Plymouth where all of the girls were getting ready. The Sargent family is so warm and welcoming, the bridal party introduced themselves and we got right to it.

Afterwards, Tammy {my 2nd shooter} and I hopped over to Southers Marsh Golf Club where the ceremony and reception were being held. As soon as you pull onto this beautiful property you will see a cranberry bog that has a giant cranberry heart in the middle, amazing. Laura and her staff were incredibly punctual and on top of their game, they were an absolute pleasure to work with. The ceremony was heartfelt and emotional as well as the rest of the night. But let me tell you, once that music got pumpin that dance floor was PACKED! If there was ever a crew that loves to dance, you're looking at them.

I was so honored to be a part of Becky and Mark's big day and there is no doubt that they will have sunny skies from here on out!

Peace, Love & Cuttin' Rugs,

April K


Emily + Bert | Wedding at the Boston Public Library

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky we're in love in every way. That is the song that plays in my head while I was processing these photos. I love, as a photographer, when I get a couple this visibly in love with one another... it makes my job a whole lot easier, I can tell you that much! PDA is always encouraged by me {ESPECIALLY} on your wedding day... because to me, this world needs more "sweet nothings" whispered, handholding + kisses on the cheek.

Emily & Bert met while they were training for the Boston Marathon a few years ago and the rest was history. I was so excited for this wedding because I thought, if today is anything like the engagement shoot we did, we're going to have one hell of a time! So easy, down to earth and willing to let me into their lives so that I can capture the real deal, amazing from start to finish.

I predict Emily + Bert will be blessed with a very happy and healthy life together filled with travels and excitement.

Peace, Love & Soul-Mates,

April K

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Custom Wedding Branding

Do you ever find yourself thinking:

  • You would really like to have an overall theme that represents your wedding day

  • You and your love don’t really fit into any of the typical “cookie cutter” wedding themes out there

  • How the hell do brides find time to fine-tune all of those annoying details while having a life?

If you often find yourself drooling over those perfectly styled weddings that are plastered all over wedding blogs and pinterest I have the perfect person for you to meet.

Becky Pleshaw, founder of RP Design, who specializes in custom wedding branding.

April: What exactly is custom wedding branding?

Becky: Wedding branding sets the theme for a couple’s special day. It includes the colors, typography, imagery, and general style for all of the printed wedding materials, from save the dates to thank you cards. Branding provides a common thread that pulls together all wedding communication and compliments the overall look and feel.

April: You are a great resource for couples who know what sort of theme or brand they want for their day, but what about those couples who have absolutely NO IDEA!?

Becky: Typically there is already a foundation for design that we can uncover by discussing some basics.  Will the wedding be casual or formal? Daytime or evening? In a ski lodge, or on a beach? I can leverage what details couples already have, such as a bridesmaid color or wedding location, and build a complete brand from the ground up.

April: Do you have a process that you use to work with couples to help figure out what would best represent them?

Becky: I work with couples one-on-one to lay out their brand in a really organized way. I like to keep it as easy as possible for them, but I welcome whatever level of involvement they’d like to have in the process. We will decide on the general theme and work our way down the line, choosing a color scheme, typography style and any other graphics we plan on using throughout. We then define which materials they want customized and finalize the branding kit. The most important thing is that they are happy with the results and have a brand that’s perfect for them.


April: What look and overall theme was this couple wanting to achieve and how did you come to your final overal look?

Becky: Christine and Travis are getting married in Boothbay, Maine and they wanted their wedding materials to bring out the character of their location. They had a good idea of what they wanted and we worked together to bring their theme to life. Once we established the vintage postcard style save the date, I continued to incorporate the wedding colors, typography and custom imagery throughout the rest of the pieces that Christine and Travis would need.

April: Why should couples talk with you before checking out any other custom branding resource?

Becky: In addition to my passion for design, I have extensive experience in marketing, brand creation and strategic thinking. I take pride in my work and couples will feel confident that their entire design process is in good hands. I love getting to know the people I work with and together we will achieve the perfect theme for their wedding.

To find out more about what Becky offers, check out RP Design’s website and follow the blog!

Peace, Love & Branding,

April K

The Handmade Nursery

I know I've been going on a lot of rants about my personal life lately, so I appologize if you're sick of me by now. Don't worry, we have some awesome shoots coming up real soon… but in the meantime I'm going to share the other half of my office space, Sienna's nursery. I'm very proud of this nursery, hence why I feel the need to share it. I dreamt of a space that's dazzling with color and bursting with creativity for our little girl to grow in. Who better to fill the space with love but our very own friends and family!? They say it takes a village to raise a child, and "they" are absolutley right! In the midst of Sienna's daily development I want to teach her to have a very LARGE imagination. I feel that creativity and imagination are vital in raising a child who possesses great character, so here's to trying!

As a gift from our gal pal, Gaby, we received 5 commissioned artworks from Sienna's cousins who range in age 8 to 2. The young artists were given the task {before Sienna's world debut} to draw what they think Sienna will look like. These are truly gems and so much fun to look at. Sienna's Crayola Portraits were placed in bright and bold frames which really set the tone for the vibe we were going for.

Our friend Kate, who is not only a very talented snowboarder, but also a skilled water color artist, painted the most beautifully vibrant and colorful peacock. She can shake that paint brush like it's no bodies business! I would someday like to transfer that beauty onto a snowboard for Sienna! How awesome would that be.

Our girl Lauren who is a crafty little crafter sent us the letters that live above the crib. Spelling out SIENNA in an artsy yet fashionable way, we love these colorful pieces. My long time friend, Megan {who the heck knew she even had this skill? Not me!} made the pink elephant who watches over the room. And our friends Lisa & Thahn commissioned Lisa's sister, Kristen {who is an awesome illustrator} the painting of bunnies in a hot air balloon floating through the fresh mtn air.

We are so fortunate to be surrounded by such creativity and love all day long.

Peace, Love & The Handmade Nursery,

April K

Nursery Artists:

Peacock watercolor by Kate Wynkoop Knit Elephant by Megan Bochette Sienna letters by Lauren Badger Bunnys in Balloon Painting by Kristen Cavallo -  http://kristenleecavallo.blogspot.com/ Drawings Of Sienna by: Kyleigh, Cohen, Addison, Lily & Quinn {My nieces & nephews}

How to Personalize Your {Destination} Wedding

Happy Friday Peeps! I decided to put all this personal talk on hold and put the spotlight back on weddings for a moment.

While I was in the midst of my wedding craze last year, I wrote a blog post sharing what I did to make my day unique to Justin and I {post here}. I mainly wrote it because sometimes I hear brides questioning themselves "am I allowed to do that?" "well I really want this but I'll probably just do that".... No my friend, this wedding is a ONE day celebration to kick off your life's journey together. That means, you do not do things just because they're easier. You do what you WANT and what is representative of the character of your relationship.

Well, that's my thought anyway. This is coming from a girl {me!} who cancelled her first wedding plan {yes, after we put deposits down and had dates held} mostly because she didn't feel 100% good about it, a lot of things were off and it wasn't sitting right in her heart.

I digress, so after I wrote that post my girl Lauren, who is having a destination wedding and who also has one of the best characters I've ever known, needed some advice. I suppose this isn't exclusive of only destination weddings, but that is where my head is at while I'm writing this.

Lauren Writes:

Hey April,

We're doing a destination wedding because that's what fits our budget and frankly Bryan and I are not the type to have a huge hoopla of a wedding and we'd much rather chill on a beach with rum punches and those fun little cocktail umbrellas. Fine.

The resort that we chose is extremely private and intimate and allows us to "customize" our wedding to fit what we want. Fabulous.

I found my dress and my bridesmaids dress. Ahead of the game, here!

Sccreeeeccchhhhhh.....this is where it stops. Now what do I do?!? Maybe more importantly, how the HELL do a plan a wedding on a beach in Mexico that is fully representative of a pig-chasing/tractor-driving/pumpkin-growing farmer (Bryan) and a Long Island-born/shoe-obsessed/career girl (Me)? I'm at a total loss here. Bryan and I are at complete ends of the spectrum with one another; possibly THE most opposites attract couple aside from two major things: 1. We love beer and 2. We can't live without each other.

I guess my question is, what is your advice on how to figure out ways to make our wedding representative of who we are? Obviously we've had some great times over the past 2+ years that I can look back on, but all I want to get out of this wedding is for people to walk away and say "That was so them."

I guess the main thing I'm stressing over isn't the location, how my hair is going to look, or who is going to show up - - it's more of a nervousness that we're going to put this thing together and it's going to look like someone else's wedding rather than our own.

April, any or all advice that you could give me on this would be amazing. You know how I am: I love myself some organization and can provide you with the best strategic marketing plan money can buy, but when it comes to creativity, I fall flat, and I need to seek help from my creative friends before I'm labeled as boring ;-)


April Suggests:

Hey Lauren,

Here are 3 things you can focus on to make your destination wedding representative of you and Bryan:

1. Writing your own vows – I know a lot of couples squirm at this idea but really this is what a wedding is all about, getting married and pledging yourselves to each other. I feel like the ceremony is something that is often overlooked compared to what type of venue you’ll have, music, food, booze etc. This is one day that starts your journey together; nothing could speak more about your relationship than how you vow to spend the rest of your lives together. Believe it or not, vows are something people remember. Put your personalities into the vows and you’ll walk away feeling like that’s all you needed to make the day "your own".

2. Bringing little signs for things, they're packable in a suitcase and signage + printed items really add a lot of personality to the day. Don’t feel like you have to use formal language either, put your personalities into the verbiage you use. Programs + thank you cards at tables or in hotel bags + signage = make it all match and sort of style your day according to Lauren + Bryan's world.

3. Your dress + your shoes + your jewelry + his outfit will have your personalities in it. Don’t be afraid to stray from traditional. Let Bryan wear a little flannel pocket square or a straw hat, representative of his pig chasing farm boy ways. Your shoe obsessed self can pick out a fabulous pair of TOMS or flip-flops that are representative of your favorite color. You don’t have to have HUGE statements to represent of who you are; sometimes it’s the little things that make an impact. Which is great for you since you have to pack it all up in a suitcase.

Remember, this is your day, do it anyway you want! Funky, vibrant, off the wall, and classically all yours.

Peace, Love & Destination YOU!

April K

Tammy + Tommy | Wedding at the Cracker Factory

Tammy + Tommy's nuptials were exchanged at the Cracker Factory in Geneva, NY. What a beautiful and heart felt ceremony. Not only could you tell that there was so much thought and care put into her big day, you could feel it radiating throughout the room. Seriously… I was shedding a few tears behind the lens as she was walking down the aisle and especially when Tammy & Tommy were exchanging their vows. I've been asked various times, what I think is the BEST way to personalize your wedding day? Hands down…writing your own vows. Taking the time, thought and energy to express the way you feel today and how you promise to take care of each other, no matter what, forever and ever,  is something only you can say. Vows are something that should be the #1 thing you think about when you're planning out your details.

As I was going through these teeny tiny moments in time, I have to say that I got choked up all over again. The ceremony is, without a doubt, the most important part of the day. Watching Tammy and Tommy exchanging vows, watching Tammy get choked up over and over and over again… it's why I love my job. Being able to give them something that no one else can. The gift of that single moment in time, when the vibrant love they share illuminated the room.

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Fun times in the photo booth!!!

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Peace, Love & Tears of Joy,

April K