Custom Wedding Branding

Do you ever find yourself thinking:

  • You would really like to have an overall theme that represents your wedding day

  • You and your love don’t really fit into any of the typical “cookie cutter” wedding themes out there

  • How the hell do brides find time to fine-tune all of those annoying details while having a life?

If you often find yourself drooling over those perfectly styled weddings that are plastered all over wedding blogs and pinterest I have the perfect person for you to meet.

Becky Pleshaw, founder of RP Design, who specializes in custom wedding branding.

April: What exactly is custom wedding branding?

Becky: Wedding branding sets the theme for a couple’s special day. It includes the colors, typography, imagery, and general style for all of the printed wedding materials, from save the dates to thank you cards. Branding provides a common thread that pulls together all wedding communication and compliments the overall look and feel.

April: You are a great resource for couples who know what sort of theme or brand they want for their day, but what about those couples who have absolutely NO IDEA!?

Becky: Typically there is already a foundation for design that we can uncover by discussing some basics.  Will the wedding be casual or formal? Daytime or evening? In a ski lodge, or on a beach? I can leverage what details couples already have, such as a bridesmaid color or wedding location, and build a complete brand from the ground up.

April: Do you have a process that you use to work with couples to help figure out what would best represent them?

Becky: I work with couples one-on-one to lay out their brand in a really organized way. I like to keep it as easy as possible for them, but I welcome whatever level of involvement they’d like to have in the process. We will decide on the general theme and work our way down the line, choosing a color scheme, typography style and any other graphics we plan on using throughout. We then define which materials they want customized and finalize the branding kit. The most important thing is that they are happy with the results and have a brand that’s perfect for them.


April: What look and overall theme was this couple wanting to achieve and how did you come to your final overal look?

Becky: Christine and Travis are getting married in Boothbay, Maine and they wanted their wedding materials to bring out the character of their location. They had a good idea of what they wanted and we worked together to bring their theme to life. Once we established the vintage postcard style save the date, I continued to incorporate the wedding colors, typography and custom imagery throughout the rest of the pieces that Christine and Travis would need.

April: Why should couples talk with you before checking out any other custom branding resource?

Becky: In addition to my passion for design, I have extensive experience in marketing, brand creation and strategic thinking. I take pride in my work and couples will feel confident that their entire design process is in good hands. I love getting to know the people I work with and together we will achieve the perfect theme for their wedding.

To find out more about what Becky offers, check out RP Design’s website and follow the blog!

Peace, Love & Branding,

April K

Wedding Details!

He asked, you said YES!!! Now what? {I hear you sister}... So much planning goes into your big day whether you're having a big swaray or exchanging vows in your parents backyard. Large or small, you're still planning possibly the biggest event you'll ever throw for yourself. Well, where do you start and what really makes a good wedding, AWESOME?! I think for every bride it's different so I'll just give you my opinion as a bride to be planning her "bash of a lifetime".

{Sweet Like Honey} What makes a wedding great, in my opinion, is you and your honey! I think this is something that is very easy to lose site of when you first start the planning process. Keep your feet on the ground while your head's in the clouds. Know that whatever you chose will be perfect as long as you're both radiating happiness on your big day!

{Venue-rific} Admittedly this is where I'm currently hung up… What the heck kind of venue do you go with?! Indoor, outdoor, beach, mountains, vineyard, barn… they all look great to me! So how do you chose? Call me old fashion but I'm all about great customer service. If I call a venue to find out information and someone is rude or short with me I say "NEXT". I'm going to look at a few different venues tomorrow and to talk to a travel agent about destination locations as well! Stay tuned...

{Gathering of The Vibes} This is where it's at! Any bride whether it's a friend, relative or stranger always agree upon one thing and usually one thing only… it's all about the people! Take a good long hard look at your guest list, are those the loved ones you've longed to spend your special day with? If you're going for romance then less is more. The more intimate you can make this occasion the more romantic the vibe will be. If you're going for blow out of the century then by all means, invite everyone you know! Just be cognizant that the people will create the vibe. I've been to so many spunky weddings with lots of people young at heart, singing and gettin' their groove on and the vibe of the wedding was off the wall. The energy illuminating from the celebration was monumental {and the pictures were crazy good to prove it, I got right in on that dance party}.

{Details, Details, Details} Yes folks, this is the puddin' pie! In addition to the "Vibe", details are how you make a wedding your own. This is taking your plain white T and bedazzling it with sparkles, puffy paint and ribbons {Ok maybe not so tacky but you catch my drift?}. Success is in the details BECAUSE the details are what is going to show your character. Some people you invite aren't going to you know you and your honey as intimately as others and the details are a way to subtly show people what you're all about. See those red shoes up there in that picture? Those are from my dear friend Jenny's wedding this past May. Now, of all the weddings I've been in she is the only bride to wear bright red shoes!!! This was an extraordinary move on her part because those shoes illuminate just what kind of character she is... She loves everything glamourous and fashionable. I am starting to see this in the past few years, brides getting brave and wearing one bold piece whether it's bright shoes or a dazzling necklace. In my opinion a piece that POPS looks stunning in pictures and creates a sense of 'high fashion'. Perhaps one way of going about planning is how you would decorate a room in your house. Pick a few details that you can't live without and build up from there! Don't be afraid to color outside the lines and get crazy with details! Someone once told me that wedding details are the most fun to plan and just about the only thing {besides honey of course} that keeps you happy and interested while planning!