Rae + Justin | A Backyard Wedding in Waukesha

Oh where do I begin with this one...  she has been by my side since I was 4 years old, my partner in crime, my soul sister, the girl I grew up with who will always be just as close to me as any member of my immediate family. When she called to tell me she got engaged I was so over joyed. This is one girl who deserves to meet the man of her dreams and she found him. His gentle soul and her fierce heart are a match made to live a {high voltage} beautiful life. She isn't much for being the center of attention so when she told me she was having a pig roast back yard wedding I thought, that sounds great! It was the perfect day for them, the forecast called for rain all day but it only rained for a half hour. It was a quiet half hour where we sat on the porch, quietly, listening to the rain hit the creek water. She stuck her hand out, made a wish and shortly there after the rain stopped... the guests arrived and their families together with a pile of dry towels wiped the tables down under the tent. The table cloths were wrinkled and wet... a feast for any bridezilla to dive into... but she never would. For her it wasn't about the fancy venue with the latest and greatest DJ, uplighting and the whole 9 yards. For her it was about bringing two families together in a space that she loves, his Aunts house, eating food she loves {corn on the cob, pulled pork, pasta salad} and celebrating their love!

I had so much fun this entire weekend, it was my first weekend away from Sienna! I was so happy to be behind the camera on this one because I couldn't imagine anyone else capturing these two the way I can. After din din we headed out on the town to take a few portraits and then ended our session at the lake where we splashed and played in the water. It was incredible... I'm now convinced that only Wilson brides will jump in the water on their wedding day.

Rae & Justin I love you both dearly and can't wait to see you grow old together :)

Peace, Love & Wet Kisses,

April K