Laura + Steve | Wedding at the New England Aquarium

Have you ever met someone that you have an immediate love for, without knowing much about them? This is how I felt about Laura, the star of this beautiful New England Aquarium wedding. When we met for the first time in a little cafe in Brookline, we sat and talked for a while about everything but her wedding. We chatted about her passion for Pilates, how she bowed out of corporate america to follow her dreams and how her and Steve were going to be moving to Singapore for his job! I loved her already... and then she told me the story of how her and Steve met, and it was a perfect photographer/bride&groom match. She saw this guy one day in a cafe with his beautiful dog. She said hi to the guy and he said hi but that was it... she pet the dog and went on her way. Months later she came across a guy on and they seemed to hit it off, later realizing {after meeting him in person} that this was the same guy she saw in the cafe with the beautiful dog! They were meant to be for sure and the rest was history. Zoe {the beautiful dog} made her debut on the wedding right by Steve's side, so adorable.

Their wedding day {and love for each other}  was like a page out of a fairytale...I am certain that this outrageously adventurous and lovable couple will have many years of laughter and love ahead of them.

Peace, Love & Zoe The Matchmaker,

April K








Emily + Bert | Wedding at the Boston Public Library

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been. Lucky we're in love in every way. That is the song that plays in my head while I was processing these photos. I love, as a photographer, when I get a couple this visibly in love with one another... it makes my job a whole lot easier, I can tell you that much! PDA is always encouraged by me {ESPECIALLY} on your wedding day... because to me, this world needs more "sweet nothings" whispered, handholding + kisses on the cheek.

Emily & Bert met while they were training for the Boston Marathon a few years ago and the rest was history. I was so excited for this wedding because I thought, if today is anything like the engagement shoot we did, we're going to have one hell of a time! So easy, down to earth and willing to let me into their lives so that I can capture the real deal, amazing from start to finish.

I predict Emily + Bert will be blessed with a very happy and healthy life together filled with travels and excitement.

Peace, Love & Soul-Mates,

April K

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Becky + Mark | An Engagement on Castle Island, Boston

What is my dream as a photographer? Besides my long list of goals... most importantly for me, is for my subjects to be comfortable to be themselves in front of me. Just to be together, not caring what I'm doing or thinking or what bench/wall/any object I'm climbing to get the perfect shot. My dream is to have each and every one of my clients to simply... act as if I'm not there! The goal for me is to capture each couple as they are, naturally, in real life... {just looking extra insanely good doing it!}. Well Becky and Mark certainly had no troubles doing just that. These two are so much fun and completely and clearly adore each other. It was one of those shoots that I walked away feeling all toasty and tingly inside. Needless to say, I cannot wait to capture their wedding day! It's going to be off the hook.

Peace, Love & Belly Laughs,

April K


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Tammy + Tommy | Wedding at the Cracker Factory

Tammy + Tommy's nuptials were exchanged at the Cracker Factory in Geneva, NY. What a beautiful and heart felt ceremony. Not only could you tell that there was so much thought and care put into her big day, you could feel it radiating throughout the room. Seriously… I was shedding a few tears behind the lens as she was walking down the aisle and especially when Tammy & Tommy were exchanging their vows. I've been asked various times, what I think is the BEST way to personalize your wedding day? Hands down…writing your own vows. Taking the time, thought and energy to express the way you feel today and how you promise to take care of each other, no matter what, forever and ever,  is something only you can say. Vows are something that should be the #1 thing you think about when you're planning out your details.

As I was going through these teeny tiny moments in time, I have to say that I got choked up all over again. The ceremony is, without a doubt, the most important part of the day. Watching Tammy and Tommy exchanging vows, watching Tammy get choked up over and over and over again… it's why I love my job. Being able to give them something that no one else can. The gift of that single moment in time, when the vibrant love they share illuminated the room.

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Fun times in the photo booth!!!

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Peace, Love & Tears of Joy,

April K