Laura + Steve | Wedding at the New England Aquarium

Have you ever met someone that you have an immediate love for, without knowing much about them? This is how I felt about Laura, the star of this beautiful New England Aquarium wedding. When we met for the first time in a little cafe in Brookline, we sat and talked for a while about everything but her wedding. We chatted about her passion for Pilates, how she bowed out of corporate america to follow her dreams and how her and Steve were going to be moving to Singapore for his job! I loved her already... and then she told me the story of how her and Steve met, and it was a perfect photographer/bride&groom match. She saw this guy one day in a cafe with his beautiful dog. She said hi to the guy and he said hi but that was it... she pet the dog and went on her way. Months later she came across a guy on and they seemed to hit it off, later realizing {after meeting him in person} that this was the same guy she saw in the cafe with the beautiful dog! They were meant to be for sure and the rest was history. Zoe {the beautiful dog} made her debut on the wedding right by Steve's side, so adorable.

Their wedding day {and love for each other}  was like a page out of a fairytale...I am certain that this outrageously adventurous and lovable couple will have many years of laughter and love ahead of them.

Peace, Love & Zoe The Matchmaker,

April K