"It was then, I knew for sure he had to be my best date for the rest of my life!"

Lianne & Jeff are 2 peas in a pod. They compliment each other so well and yes I could tell this by only spending a short time with them while I shot their e|Story {AKA an engagement shoot that tells a love story}. Here is the love story of Jeff & Lianne, narrated by Lianne.

I would say Jeff and I are an example of love at first sight.  It may not be your typical fairy tale...but it looks like we are headed for a happy ending!


Jeff and I grew up in the same town and attended the same high school, but it wasn't until after I graduated high school that we met. One Thursday night a group decided to head to a local karaoke bar and it just so happens Jeff and I ended up sitting at the same table with some mutual friends.

The first night we met we spend the entire night talking and when it was time to leave he asked if he could walk me to my car.  As he closed my door I turned to my friend and told her that I had to go back the following week to see him...and I did.

Just six months later Jeff flew down to North Carolina for a wedding I was in.  He didn't know anyone except the bride and myself, but Jeff made the best of it, made new friends, danced, drank and made me feel like I had the best date.

It was then, I knew for sure he had to be my best date for the rest of my life!