Addababy Eetsa-boy

remember that old Geico commercial?! haha 

Yup, you read that right! Baby Obey #2 is on his way. I honestly can't even believe it... I'm still in shock, I thought for sure it was a girl. I always imagined myself with all girls or should I say, I never thought of myself as a boy's mom! Although pretty normal for most, it's just mind blowing for me, hahaha. 

I guess I shouldn't be so shocked that it's a boy, this pregnancy has been so different from my first. With Sienna I think I had morning sickness once and felt great most of the time. With my second pregnancy it's been a whole new world. I suffered from severe nausea the first trimester as well as an extra dose of extreme drowsiness (probably due in part to having a toddler to care for). 

Time has been flying by... I remember with Sienna I was just watching the clock, counting the days down, every minute seemed like an hour... now i'm naturally more busy and haven't had much time to think of names or nursery ideas, {more on nesting later}.

The due date of baby boy is just one day different than Sienna's (Feb 11 - his due date, Feb 10 - her due date). Hopefully he comes a little earlier than expected though :)

We have been eating EXTREMELY healthy over here too... Justin bought a Vitamix so he's been going to town on fruit and veggie smoothies. Sienna loves them and I suck them down as if they're milkshakes (which has surprisingly cut down on my ice cream intake). But don't worry... I'm still supplementing my pregnancy cravings with appropriate sweets like waffles, cookies and peanut butter cups... omg I can't get enough waffles in my belly!

Stay tuned for more!