The power of a photo

Hi Mama's,

A little personal time here... just me you and, well, this amazingly brilliant advertisement for Pampers - give it a watch and then let us discuss...

How incredible is this advertisement, not only did we not understand a word they were saying... through the power of visual communication we were able to fully understand what was going on and feel the same emotions that mother was feeling... why? because chances are, if you're a mama {or daddy}, you've been there. Holding your preciously good smelling baby in your arms and suddenly you see a photo of him/her just a few months prior... how has time gone so fast? How is this angel already a year old?

Through the power of photography we are able to transport back in time and remember distinctly what we felt like the day of the birth, that time in the park, quiet times at home... whatever photo you choose to look at is like an emotional time warp. Photography has the power of letting you re-live those emotions or re-live moments in your head... from a time that is no longer tangible, yet still so powerful. 

Often times i'm asked about my opinion on the growing number of photographers since entering the digital age of photography. My answer? It's pretty amazing. We are all so capable of capturing the stories of our own lives, not only for ourselves, but also for our children. Because of digital photography more and more parents can let their children into a time they cannot remember for themselves. It is going to help children understand their roots better and understand their own family history in such a fun and clear way. 

I urge you mama's, to pick up your camera this fall and snap away... I don't care what camera you use, find one and use it and print the photos {or make a book}. 

sienna as a newborn { kathy james photography}