Park City, Denver and Texas

Gypsy Soul: A free spirit not confined to one place or stifled by one idea, a free thinker by nature… …That's Me!

I have a gypsy soul running through these bones, I love to travel and I crave innovation. I love the adventure in photography and sharing the world as I see it with all of you beautiful people.

Breakdown: Over the course of 3 weeks I was lucky enough to travel to Park City down to Vail & Denver and even further down to Austin, TX. I shredded Solitude, Snowbird, Brighton and Vail in the matter of a week. THEN… drove through 4 states for 16 hours straight and luckily my camera was on me the entire time! (phew)

Here are some of the visual treasures and explanations of my time captured on this exploration!

After an early start and many hours of traveling it was nice to take a day and chill out in the Atticus coffee shop on Main St. in Park City. It was a really neat-o spot that sold books, unique knick knacks and gifts. The best part about Atticus was it's personality, yes this coffee shop had a personality all of its own. Every detail was well thought out right down to the tile mosaic floor in the bathroom.

Spending time with my Love

If I could pick anyplace in the world to live a ski village would be my choice.  Why you ask? Because of the cool vibe, relaxed atmosphere, it's acceptable and actually "normal" to wear ski attire all day every day. Rarely do you find someone in a bad mood on the slopes, I believe all that fresh air and sunshine makes you laugh off any sort of worry you may have.

Of course we didn't ski everyday, but I sure wanted to! One day we walked around Park City (in our snow gear) checking out all of the shops, restaurants and bars. We took a tour of a whiskey distillery which was really awesome. I always forget how much science goes into these tasty little drinks we indulge in every so often! It was a cross between being in the mad scientists chem lab and being in an old wild wild west story. After all that skiing and walking we conked out hard almost every night… as you can see below!

One day we took a treterous walk along a very very icy path for about 2 miles. This path was probably the most dangerous place I've ever walked. There were cliffs down to a freezing river so one false move and you were toast! It was well worth the danger to get to a real wonder of Utah, the hot springs! This was such an amazing natural phenomenon and totally enjoyable for my muscles! I'm glad we made it out alive.

After a week and half in Park City we packed up the car and headed 6 hours East to Vail, Colorado…the most magical place in my world.

The sun was shining on this red rock just right that it illuminated the sky, brilliant! Since we were on a mission to make good time I had to take some pictures out of the back seat (which is fine by me).

My Heaven Defined: The Vail Resort slogan is "Like Nothing on Earth" and although I haven't traveled the earth as extensively as I'd like, I am going to agree with them that there isn't anything like it! From the astounding lush landscapes of the resort, the knee deep powder that's expected, Vail Village and the people who live there, superior customer service to the extravagant amenities... this mountain is in a class all of it's own.

This "scene" below cracked me up every time I rode the gondola up. I literally felt as though I had stepped back into a 1994 Baywatch goes to the Mountain episode. Red suits, laser guns, sunglasses and Eddie Money cranking on the village speakers… how could you not be happy here?

Views from the Gondola… everywhere you look is like a natural wonder. If you REALLY want to soak up your day on the slope you will never make it down one run without stopping, sitting and taking it all in!

Of course Apres Ski is one of the best parts of the day. You have a brew, take your boots off and trade war stories about your day on the mountain.

And after all of that, we got to enjoy a decadent sunset (love)!

Brace Yourself: Next Up? A nice 16 hour drive (which we did in one shot) down to Killeen, Texas. On our way down I really grew a new appreciation for wide open spaces! I mean, coming from Western, NY a wide open field doesn't phase me… until I'm driving through 16 hours of them, haha.

Of course we needed to get out and stretch after all that time in the car… so why not sign the sign!? (*Note - since my Uggs took a beating on the way to the hot springs, I finished my travels in high heeled boots…just like a cowgirl would)

Back on the road again...

Once we arrived in Texas we stopped in Lubbock at the Llano Estacado Winery. What a great little detour.

We finally made it to Killeen, TX on our 16th hour. HIP HIP HOORAY!!! The very next day we took our tired selves out and toured the small town of Salado. Our tour guide insisted that we go to this really neat-o glass blowing shop, so happy we did.

As a long time art student, it was very inspiring for me to see so many skilled artisans making a living off their craft. Salado boasts about how many great gift shops, art galleries and boutiques they have (as they should).

After our short stint in Killeen we headed up to Austin where we would depart in a few days. It was so nice after all of that physical activity, traveling and exhaustion to just bum around the city. Afterwards we would spend evenings in the hotel hot tub just maxin' and relaxin!

It's true what they say, Austin is WEIRD, but filled with many talented (and not so talented) musicians.

We stumbled up on this quirky little coffee shop (of course)! **Sidenote: I don't know how I am always in coffee shops on this trip but I don't even drink coffee!

And here ends the longest blog post ever! haha. This was written on the side of a building and thought it would be perfect for my closing!

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more adventures with AprilK.

Peace, Love & Photography