Visual Thoughts

This blogging challenge proves to be a little harder than anticipated… How do I create when I don't feel the flow? I've taken many years of art classes & workshops, from drawing and painting to 3D sculpture & pottery, I have experienced just about every medium. At this point in life I have an idea on what might get my flow started…

1. Turn on some Moby

2. Start drawing/coloring/taking pictures.

That's right… it's as easy as stop thinking about it and just do it.

This quote at the end of the post was taken out of an awesome book that preaches just that method, stop thinking and start doing. The War of Art… it's a goodie for any and all creatives who sometimes struggle to harness their muse.

Today proves to be one of those days where It's hard for me to communicate through written word… so here is my visual blog post!

Peace, Love & Doing It,

April K


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