Just Another Day | March 365 Project

March… in like a lion, out like a lamb! That was so true this year…. March is always an interesting month, we’re about sick of winter but it’s still pretty cold and rainy out…. and then we get lucky with some awesome days scattered throughout. Though we are halfway through April already, I realize It was especially hard for me to pick up my camera in March as there wasn’t too much going on and especially anything that sparked my interest to take photos of.

I did successfully bring my camera to my neighbors for a few fun shots but other than that I haven’t had the stamina to take it with me many other places…. this is something I need to overcome. I just think it’s sort of uncomfortable / embarrasing being with other people and whipping my giant camera out without first asking permission and without making a huge deal about snapping a few pics. All things I need to work through :) This 365 project is teaching me so much about photography (fast motion blur style) and myself!