Blizzards & Birthdays | February 365 Project

I’ve been wanting to do a 365 project (taking one killer photo a day for the entire year) for quite sometime now… maybe 9 - 10 years… but with the life of a stay at home and work from home mom in that time there hasn’t been much opportunity to pick up my camera that consistently.

Fast Forward and here we are, in 2021 and my “babies” are 8, 6 and 3! With a little less diaper changing (none woohoo) and a little more playtime it’s been a seamless transition to picking my camera back up. That is a whole topic for another blog (letting yourself/myself put down the camera is essential for growth).

Since I decided to do this along with my long time friend Meg, she had the brilliant idea of just making galleries here on the blog each month… So here is my February in all its crazy glory. February always has been (3 siblings a sister n law and a bestie with Feb B days) and always will be (now that 2 of my children were born in this month) a crazy month of BLIZZARDS AND BIRTHDAYS!