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From 2012 to 2020!

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I remember this like it was yesterday… it was about 8 years ago after I decided to go full time with photography (big leaps from the online ad space) and I booked my first successful full year of weddings and then decided it was time to have a baby!

I remember making the decision to have a baby… it was between…should I do one more year of April K Photography and really ride this awesome wave of clients pouring in and build it up big or should I listen to my heart and have a baby?

I had the baby… and then 2 more after that!

I still booked weddings and families after having Sienna (baby #1) and could manage pretty ok with editing (with the help of my in-laws who would take her a few days a week). Amidst booking more weddings and families…I decided to have another baby! Once Ethan came (baby #2) I couldn’t manage one more thing in my life and truly lost interest or drive in my photography. I was just constantly overwhelmed and the thought of shooting was daunting… not so much because of the shoot but all the post production involved. With help from family only 1 day a week it was sparse to get any time to get anything else done.

When I was trying to juggle too much… too many shoots with so little help, I became irritated, frustrated and angry VERY quickly with my kids… and one day I had enough and decided that’s not the mom I wanted to be. So instead of seeking childcare (like my closest friends suggested) I stopped booking altogether and realized this time goes by so fast, I just need to be in this moment. I needed to live this season of my life to the fullest extent.

Now this didn’t come without sleepless nights, gut wrenching conversations and never really knowing if I was making the right decision… other than, I felt in my heart it was the right thing to do. I was never a mom before and I needed to get it under control before I passed anything off to anyone else. Although social media would have you think… or at least my friends think, that being a stay at home mom came easy and it was fun for me. No, it was very very very extremely difficult. Day in and day out, 24/7, all me all day in every way! It’s not for the faint of heart that is for sure. But it’s something my mom did with me and I always appreciated it and wanted to do the same for my children. So I dove in head first…

After a bit of time went by, I started taking bookings here and there. Friends or family, friends of friends etc. But then of course… I had another gut feeling that I had to listen to and Baby #3 came along. Elle has been such a joy and I can’t imagine life without her. But with 3 now at home and still 1 day a week of help there was no way possible I could muster the energy to do much of anything but survive!

Well folks… if any of this speaks to you I’m here to tell you… 3 years later here I am… Thriving! After 2020 hit I had a LOT of time to think… about… what…I…want! Months upon months of quarantine with my husband and young children… I mean, nothing will push you to want to work more than needing a break! Am I right?!

I just needed a break!

Then I get an email… “can you shoot my wedding in 3 days? we can’t go to Aruba anymore, we’re doing it in town, hopefully we don’t get arrested", you in?” me: “hell yes! get me out of this house, get that camera in my hand and in front of beautiful bride and groom… my happy place!” It was then… out of a Covid wedding that it came full circle and I realized how much I miss and love shooting weddings!

It all worked out and I’m booking 2021 weddings, among other things, as you read this.

If you are new to photography and facing alot of big decisions… hang in there, listen to your heart and know it will all work out. Stick with it, even when it gets put on the back burner, know that it’s a skill like riding a bike, once you pick up your camera again the magic will be created!



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